These three here are from my adventures super early in November, when the leaves were still falling and the weather was fairly nice out. Also, this was during the beginning of NaNoWriMo, of which I successfully finished as of yesterday with a final word count of 50,019 words! (A lot less than last year's novel, but I'm planning on polishing it up and fixing things within a few months or so). Anyways, these photos were taken at Brandywine Falls, which is a lovely forty-five minute drive from my house and was horrifically freezing when I finally arrived at the falls themselves, bundled with a coat, hat, gloves, the usual. Turns out it was much warmer up in the sun and I highly wish that there was more on the platform to view the falls. All-in-all, though, it was a fairly successful trip and I really want to head back sometime this month or next when it's all snow. (I'm already regretting this decision, I am going to freeze.)
And lastly, these photos were taken about two weeks ago when I spent the night over at a friend's house. The lovely person playing the piano and starring in both guitar photos is my lovely friend Ruby, who was also the cause for dying my hair a temporary shade of red (that, since I have incredibly short hair and I wash it not frequently, but more than enough, faded within a week and is as of now completely gone from existence. Who knows, though; I really enjoyed the coppery tone, so I may just have to call up my hair dresser to see about furthering that experience!) and also dyed her own hair and my other friend's, Tara, who stars in the second-to-last photo with Ruby once again. My friend Ryan also stars in a photo (can you guess which one?) and soon we're planning on taking some more photos of solely him as well, so you can look forward to those as well! And, lastly, you can find me in the final photo, in which I was laying on Ruby's bedroom floor and decided to put the camera behind me and just snap a couple of photos for good measure. (Gosh, my arms look tiny! They aren't really that small, I believe it was just because of the way I had them bent backwards to steady and snap the camera and photo!)
Well, with all of that said, here is the (incredibly long, text-and-photo-heavy) post that should hopefully make up for my (unnecessarily long) absence! I hope those who celebrate had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and to those who don't celebrate, I hope you had a wonderful Thursday nonetheless! Thanks to all of you for bearing with me, and I hope to have another post for you all sometime soon!