Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Back with some writing! (Sorry for the unscheduled hiatus everybody!)

(Disregard the picture that's obviously from December)

The Stages of Spring

I.    Autumn's presence
      Nothing but the crisp smell of 
      Fallen leaves and the in-and-out
      Patterns of warm days laced with chill
II.   Snow storms in March
      And April
      Cold and ice when and where
      It just shouldn't be
III.  Lengthening days 
      And screwed up sleeping schedules
      As night comes later
      And an hour is lost from the day
      Try not to have an early schedule that week
      Because deep regret will follow with the first morning
IV.   Flowers blooming and birds returning
      Trees coming back to life with buds of pink
      And chirps of winged beauties 
      Blessing the steadily-warming mornings
V.    Sunlight
      Warmth of the oncoming summertime
      And grass flowing lush and green
      Once the April showers have been chased away
      And this part of the world
      Has come back to life

Hi everybody! I'm just going to give a quick update for you all so I can explain myself and my two month hiatus that was clearly not forewarned. (Sorry for that, by the way!) Life has been, to say the least, inconvenient for my as of late and distractions have kept me from writing and taking as many photos as my little heart can handle, and I apologize dearly. Many things have happened that have kept me from returning, such as school work, issues between friends and family, and not to mention a pretty terrible break up of my own, seeing as it was my first relationship and had lasted about four years, but most of those things have led me to new doors that are opening into new opportunities that I hope to share with you all as they enter my life! 
Now, for the poem above. It's different from what I would usually write, but this morning as I was walking outside, I found that the words just came to me and wouldn't stop flowing until I had finished. Spring seemed like it was going to finally bring itself about, but sadly tomorrow we're supposed to be getting more snow (boo). As for the stanza on the time change; yes, I have a very, very busy schedule this week and next, of which is requiring me to get up at five every morning and that's not fun when five should really be four. Wish me luck with everything life's throwing at me, and I hope you understand my past and possible future breaks between entries. I hope that I'll be back with another post soon, so until then, thank you for reading!