Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hello there, everyone!

This is going to be a very picture-heavy post today, because I've been mighty busy in the past month or so!

These three here are from my adventures super early in November, when the leaves were still falling and the weather was fairly nice out. Also, this was during the beginning of NaNoWriMo, of which I successfully finished as of yesterday with a final word count of 50,019 words! (A lot less than last year's novel, but I'm planning on polishing it up and fixing things within a few months or so). Anyways, these photos were taken at Brandywine Falls, which is a lovely forty-five minute drive from my house and was horrifically freezing when I finally arrived at the falls themselves, bundled with a coat, hat, gloves, the usual. Turns out it was much warmer up in the sun and I highly wish that there was more on the platform to view the falls. All-in-all, though, it was a fairly successful trip and I really want to head back sometime this month or next when it's all snow. (I'm already regretting this decision, I am going to freeze.)

And lastly, these photos were taken about two weeks ago when I spent the night over at a friend's house. The lovely person playing the piano and starring in both guitar photos is my lovely friend Ruby, who was also the cause for dying my hair a temporary shade of red (that, since I have incredibly short hair and I wash it not frequently, but more than enough, faded within a week and is as of now completely gone from existence. Who knows, though; I really enjoyed the coppery tone, so I may just have to call up my hair dresser to see about furthering that experience!) and also dyed her own hair and my other friend's, Tara, who stars in the second-to-last photo with Ruby once again. My friend Ryan also stars in a photo (can you guess which one?) and soon we're planning on taking some more photos of solely him as well, so you can look forward to those as well! And, lastly, you can find me in the final photo, in which I was laying on Ruby's bedroom floor and decided to put the camera behind me and just snap a couple of photos for good measure. (Gosh, my arms look tiny! They aren't really that small, I believe it was just because of the way I had them bent backwards to steady and snap the camera and photo!)

Well, with all of that said, here is the (incredibly long, text-and-photo-heavy) post that should hopefully make up for my (unnecessarily long) absence! I hope those who celebrate had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and to those who don't celebrate, I hope you had a wonderful Thursday nonetheless! Thanks to all of you for bearing with me, and I hope to have another post for you all sometime soon! 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Hey there, everybody!

Just a cat picture here, but there's a twist as this one you haven't seen yet before!
Drumroll. . .
Welcome to our family of misfits, Navi! This little babe here is our newest addition as of last month, who has been named Navi (as you read previously), named after the little fairy in Legend of Zelda. She was a stray my sister's friend found at the campsite her family goes to a lot and over the course of a month she saw Navi every time they went and people fed her when they were there, sure, but she was really malnourished and bloated and her front paws are crooked from an old fracture wound. Her ear is nicked in a couple of places, and she's very affectionate.
Now, she was planned to only stay one night so my sister and her boyfriend could get her to the vet, since initially she was meant to go back to his house. Of course, that's not how it went. He did name her, however, but after a few days of her staying with us, we finally got her to the vet and the man thought she might be pregnant, so whoops, she's gotta stay with us for another two weeks before we can tell anything and she can't get any shots until then.
So, after the two weeks, it was clear my sister wasn't going to take responsibility for her, so my mum and I took her to the vet. She wasn't pregnant (thank god), but there's a little problem I forgot to mention earlier.
This affectionate, bubbly, dopey cat is 100% deaf. Both ears. Can't hear a thing.
So we looked up some information and we've begun to use visuals to get her attention, we leave a light on every night so she won't start screeching to try to find people when we're asleep (she did it for the first two weeks we had her until we knew for sure that she had been in heat on top of her being deaf- woo), if we take her outside it's always on a leash and we always have her in sight, and we deter the other guys' grumpy behavior away so they don't try to hurt her when she doesn't hear them growl and continues to sit there being her happy-go-snuggly self.
Since she was brought home for the first time, she's gained at least a pound from our last checkup at the vet's, her fur is no longer scraggly and tattered and is now quite downy and fluffy, she's stopped screeching throughout the night (though in the morning on weekends, if I'm not up by six-thirty she'll start meowing, since I'm normally up at five every day for school), and as of Thursday we finally got her fixed and she's been a sleepy, snuggly mess since we brought her home. Oh yeah, during her surgery she also got a broken canine tooth removed, so that's a good thing.
Anyways, let's all give Navi a warm welcome to the family in the form of snuggles and silly faces, since she won't be able to hear your greetings and will probably just stare at you with her pretty eyes until you pet her anyways.

There you go- a nice story to go along with our newest addition! Also, a little extra photo. . .
She had woken up right after I took the first photo and I was taking another as she was looking at me and she blinked and this was the aftermath, so of course I had to keep it and include it here!

Also a little update: to my fellow NaNo's out there, NaNoWriMo is creeping up again and I've set myself up for November by beginning my character designs and my outline, as well as putting up the synopsis on the official website! You all can find my account on the website here , and you should all also expect to see some updates throughout the month while I'm writing! And if I'm not updating here, I'll most certainly be updating on my Tumblr, which can be found here!
Anyways, that's it for now, I suppose! I'm off to try to sleep, since I start my week bright and early again tomorrow and sleep is essential if I want to be able to function properly tomorrow.

Thank you all for reading, and I hope to be back with another update soon!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Stopping by once again (hey! You can keep up with this stuff now!)

As said above, I have created a separate Tumblr specifically for my writing and photography- yes, another blog. But on Tumblr, as soon as I'm done editing a photo I can just click on my other blog and upload the items right away, and if I ever have a simple ramble or an update for this upcoming NaNo (possibly), I'll put it up in between my re-blogging and just go on my way again. 
So, if you wish to find this blog, the link will be right here
Anyways, a little description for the photos I've provided here.
The top one was taken the first evening we were in Ocean City, where I went out on the walkway between condos and took some photos looking out over the lake and some of the lovely houses along the way- I wish I could've gotten a sunset photo on the ocean, but sadly, East Coast, we only get the pretty sunrise here, saddening I know. Still quite beautiful, if I do say so myself!
The second photo was taken earlier in the day, and I'll be honest I didn't think the sky was so beautiful at the time. I suppose that was just because of the grey clouds coming in from the opposite direction! Anyways, this was when I went down to the beach with a small group to get some photos and see how the ocean was. (Newsflash: my feet were numb and it was very windy and cold out. The ocean was not enjoyable until the second day, sadly.) Well, at least I got some nice angles of the beach from where I was standing!
Now, I don't have much else to say other than you guys should most definitely take a look at the link above if you want to keep up with these things as I get them done- and possibly a bit more, as well.
Thank you all for reading and I hope I'll be stopping in again soon!

Friday, August 9, 2013

True to my word

I haven't forgotten about this lovely place, so no worries! As I said in my last post, life is taking over and things aren't in a very good spot right now, so my hiatus will continue a bit longer, sadly. But for now, here are three photos I took while on vacation in the beautiful Ocean City, Maryland back in June! The first two that you see were both from my first morning there, my mum and I having woken up at some ungodly hour for vacation (5 a.m.), and since the sunrise was beautiful as ever I pulled out my camera and got more than these two shots, though these two seemed to sand out the most! And the last one was taken from my second morning there, later in the morning and clearly not through the window of the condo we stayed in, when I went down to the beach with my parents around eight or so and we walked for about half an hour. Almost forgot to mention- seawater is freezing in the morning. And in general it's just cold. It was a good wake-up, however, to walk through the water and find stray sand-crabs and take in some of the refreshing ocean breeze. It was a beautiful area and I'm definitely going back in the future, no hesitation.
Though, with that said and done, I must make my leave again and, sadly, leave you with just these three pictures in my absence. But, wait! As previously stated (however many entries ago, gosh it's been a while!) I do have a Tumblr account, currently just one for reblogging things, however soon I will be making another account for things such as my photos and updates on my novel which, however stressful, is almost done! (Until I have to turn it over to my editor for a fierce and thorough checking, sigh.) So if you ever want to get a peek into what I might be up to on a day-to-day basis, you can just head here and see for yourselves!
I miss you all, and thank you to anyone who has stuck around waiting for me to return, and to newcomers- sorry I'm just popping in and heading out again, but life calls and I must answer, so until next time, thank you all for being here!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mini-Hiatus of sorts

Some people were probably already expecting this with my major inactivity between entries, but yes, I'm going to be on a hiatus-of-sorts for an indefinite amount of time. Right now, things just aren't going well and I am very busy, so I need to split my life basically 80% life and 20% everything else, which will include getting photos up on here.

I don't think this can officially be called a "hiatus", because I will come back here from time to time to check things out and perhaps make a new entry or two, but other than that and maybe the occasional comment you really won't see much of me at all for a while. I'm sorry to anyone who happens to enjoy what I put up on here, but this is a necessary action that needs to be taken while I figure things out and get things done.

Thank you all for your understanding, and know that I won't forget to come back again!


Sunday, June 16, 2013

I'm back!

Well, I got back on Friday, but it was late and I needed the weekend to settle back in and relax. Now, this photo was taken quite early in the morning one of the days I was there, and gosh was it beautiful! I do have some stories that I can share, others that are best kept untold, but this is one of over 600 pictures that I had taken while I was there! Forget souvenirs, my pictures are souvenir enough!
So look forward to more pictures as time goes on, and thank you for reading!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hello and goodbye, lovelies!

The title is exactly what this post is about! Hello to all, and here are some pictures I've rounded up from my Friday desperate-yard-scan-for-pictures roundabout. And goodbye as well, because I am headed out tomorrow morning with my family and a friend to Ocean City, Maryland! It's quite exciting to think about, the ocean and the boardwalk and just a vacation from everything that's gone on here. But it's not so exciting to think about the fact that I'll be in a van for six hours tomorrow with people, because I'm not a big fan of cramped spaced or people. But it'll be a good opportunity to get some writing done, so I'm going to bring my laptop out there to get some chapters in during my break. Probably not the best idea, but it'll keep me busy nonetheless. 
With that, I bid you all adieu as I embark on yet another journey that should be filled with plenty of pictures and hopefully stories to bring back to you all! Goodbye and thank you for reading!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Summer's coming!

So first off, sadly this is the last of my photos from New York (I actually got so many more but I don't feel all that motivated to edit them when I have more pictures to get done as well). These were taken at a lovely little art museum in NYC that really just winds all the way up until you're near the ceiling and get a little queasy when you look over the railing (my poor friend had to be on her knees if she was going to look over the edge). I don't quite remember the name; but it was a lovely place with so much amazing artwork! And walking from top to bottom is probably a mile or more, so you get a nice workout ^.^
Anyways, finals are coming up, so soon enough I'll have more time to work on my photography and get more photos out here for you all! Not to mention, I'm soon going to be entering the home stretch of my novel, being about five thousand words away from the ten-thousand mark, and from there it's all closing together!
I hope to get some more pictures up here soon, so please be patient and I promise you your wait will be worth it!
Thank you for reading!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Oh gosh, oh gosh

I'm so sorry I've been gone so long! Oh gosh. I'm so, so sorry. If you'll accept it, my excuse is that things haven't been at the best lately. I need to finish my novel by the end of June and I'm not quite. . .there yet. . .but I'm finally pushing through my writer's block to get it done! And sadly these three pictures are all I've edited so far (still) from my trip to New York last month. I've just had no motivation lately and things have been quite down, but I promise you they're starting to lift up, and (hopefully) soon you'll all have a plethora of pictures and stories to enjoy! 
Gosh I've been so on-and-off with activity for this thing. Don't worry, it's not the only one, so I'm not just ignoring this lovely little page because I want to. I hope you'll forgive me for my inconsistency!
Thank you for reading everyone!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

And thus I have returned.

Hello there, everyone! I am back, albeit not in the best of conditions, but back nonetheless! New York was an. . .interesting adventure, to say the least. Not my funnest (most fun?) experience, but enjoyable. I honestly don't know much of what to say, other than expect some more photos soon, and that things are (hopefully) clearing up here, so let's just hope that I'm going to be a less of a sourpuss!
Oh how I hate doing this type of thing, but if you want frequent pictures from New York and then some random splurges of Ritski here or there, I would recommend going to my Tumblr here: 
So, with that being said, I'm quite glad to be back in the state although things have been quite stressful since my return, and I'm going to go nurse my current migraine with some sleep even though it is quite early in the evening (okay I'm lying, I'm going to end up staying here putting up more pictures for a while before I go to sleep). Thanks for reading, everyone!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New York

Yes, it's true, as of tomorrow I will be in New York until Monday and thus you will all be picture-less and blog-less during said time! I'm terribly sorry, but hey, it's New York! I'll be getting a ton of pictures and I'm sure I'll have plenty of stories to share when I get back. So until then, here's the few more pictures I'm leaving you all with until my return. Sorry for another so boring post, but other than the occasional gripe about getting into University I'm positive none of you want to hear about, I really don't have much to share! Oh goodness I'm getting so boring (Getting? Don't flatter yourself) ;-;. Anyways, thank you to anyone who reads, and I will see you all again on Monday! Au revoir!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Some more pictures

Happy 4/13 for all Homestuckers out there! I hope the update made you all as happy as it did me, and happy birthday John!
So, here you have some more pictures that I really edited a few days ago but decided to put up now so as to space out my entries more realistically. 
Yeah, um. . .that's about it. Enjoy these few pictures and expect some more in a few days or so!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hey, I'm going to be a bit more active for once!

Hello there lovelies~ So, as you can see I finally forced myself out of the house with my beloved little kitten to take some nice pictures and enjoy the amazing weather (although this was two days ago and now we're getting rain really badly and it's causing such awful migraines QAQ Weather, why?) 
But, anyways, These are only six out of maybe. . .um. . .seventy-five? Yeah I think that's about right. About seventy-five that I got that day just wandering my front yard and laying in the grass staring at the sun through the eyepiece of my camera even though I shouldn't. Don't look at the sun! No-no! 
And so, in spite of my upcoming all-day writing session (For those of you that don't know, I wrote a novel last November for NaNoWriMo and I am still in the process of writing my final draft- the editing/rewriting/beta-editing process took longer than expected and my deadline is drawing so close, so I need to get writing and Saturday's my day to do it!) I am going to upload a few pictures every couple of days or so just so that way I'll be more active on all of these websites, even if only a little.
Oh gosh, another long entry- I'm so sorry everybody! But anyways, I hope you enjoy these few little pictures from this tired little amateur! (-Is actually quite tall so no not little-)
Love you guys! Thank you for bearing with my so little activity!