Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Stopping by once again (hey! You can keep up with this stuff now!)

As said above, I have created a separate Tumblr specifically for my writing and photography- yes, another blog. But on Tumblr, as soon as I'm done editing a photo I can just click on my other blog and upload the items right away, and if I ever have a simple ramble or an update for this upcoming NaNo (possibly), I'll put it up in between my re-blogging and just go on my way again. 
So, if you wish to find this blog, the link will be right here
Anyways, a little description for the photos I've provided here.
The top one was taken the first evening we were in Ocean City, where I went out on the walkway between condos and took some photos looking out over the lake and some of the lovely houses along the way- I wish I could've gotten a sunset photo on the ocean, but sadly, East Coast, we only get the pretty sunrise here, saddening I know. Still quite beautiful, if I do say so myself!
The second photo was taken earlier in the day, and I'll be honest I didn't think the sky was so beautiful at the time. I suppose that was just because of the grey clouds coming in from the opposite direction! Anyways, this was when I went down to the beach with a small group to get some photos and see how the ocean was. (Newsflash: my feet were numb and it was very windy and cold out. The ocean was not enjoyable until the second day, sadly.) Well, at least I got some nice angles of the beach from where I was standing!
Now, I don't have much else to say other than you guys should most definitely take a look at the link above if you want to keep up with these things as I get them done- and possibly a bit more, as well.
Thank you all for reading and I hope I'll be stopping in again soon!

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