Saturday, May 10, 2014

Back to NYC!

As stated above, I have recently returned to New York City for a trip with my school's choral department! We were there from April 30th to May 4th and the trip was . . . interesting, I suppose. Not the best trip I've ever been on, and certainly a very stressful one, but nonetheless I made the best of it and have returned to you all with many new pictures and stories to share! These, of course, are only a dent in the pictures I took on my trip, and are also all from the very first day that I was there. Also, the fourth picture (the side-profile of the red-haired oddity) would be of myself; odd, I don't think I've ever actually put a photo containing even a portion of my face on this blog before! First for everything, right?
Anyways, the first three photos were taken the morning I arrived in the city, and seeing as it had rained all night it was very foggy. I could relate to the foggy, drowsy feeling of that morning, too because we'd driven on a bus all night to get to the city and I got very bus-sick from sleeping for four hours on the vehicle, so the beginning of the day wasn't the most enjoyable, but by the time the last four photos were taken I was feeling much better and was ready to re-explore the city. Truthfully, I missed New York, and once I was back out in the hustle-and-bustle of the streets I felt like I'd never left.
The buildings in the fifth picture are two that I wish I could get an infinite amount of pictures of, because they are so beautifully built and detailed and their structures just always leave me wanting more. They were located across the street from F.A.O. Schwartz and the underground Apple store, and I remember them vividly from last year as well. 
Now, the very last photo is of my friend Katie, who is one amazing girl. She'd dyed her hair right before the trip so it would be half-blue-half-black for when we went to NYC, but the black dye actually made her hair a bit darker, so she worked with the results she received and I, personally, from the perspective of someone whose hair is now bright red, think it looked great! (Past tense because the dye has since come out and her hair is no longer blue, but still just as terrific!)
So that's a bit of the stories of the pictures and my opinions on them, and again, this is only a small dent in the amount of photos I took, so look forward to more pictures and, as they start to come to a close, a longer entry about my trip in its entirety! For now, however, I'm about to go out with my mother to celebrate Mother's Day a day early at dinner. Thank you all for reading!

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