Saturday, May 25, 2013

Summer's coming!

So first off, sadly this is the last of my photos from New York (I actually got so many more but I don't feel all that motivated to edit them when I have more pictures to get done as well). These were taken at a lovely little art museum in NYC that really just winds all the way up until you're near the ceiling and get a little queasy when you look over the railing (my poor friend had to be on her knees if she was going to look over the edge). I don't quite remember the name; but it was a lovely place with so much amazing artwork! And walking from top to bottom is probably a mile or more, so you get a nice workout ^.^
Anyways, finals are coming up, so soon enough I'll have more time to work on my photography and get more photos out here for you all! Not to mention, I'm soon going to be entering the home stretch of my novel, being about five thousand words away from the ten-thousand mark, and from there it's all closing together!
I hope to get some more pictures up here soon, so please be patient and I promise you your wait will be worth it!
Thank you for reading!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Oh gosh, oh gosh

I'm so sorry I've been gone so long! Oh gosh. I'm so, so sorry. If you'll accept it, my excuse is that things haven't been at the best lately. I need to finish my novel by the end of June and I'm not quite. . .there yet. . .but I'm finally pushing through my writer's block to get it done! And sadly these three pictures are all I've edited so far (still) from my trip to New York last month. I've just had no motivation lately and things have been quite down, but I promise you they're starting to lift up, and (hopefully) soon you'll all have a plethora of pictures and stories to enjoy! 
Gosh I've been so on-and-off with activity for this thing. Don't worry, it's not the only one, so I'm not just ignoring this lovely little page because I want to. I hope you'll forgive me for my inconsistency!
Thank you for reading everyone!